Thank you for showing an interested collaborating in with me for the L I V I N G D A T A archive.
The work produced by you and/or your family will be part of a final exhibition and included on this website.
Each person will embellish the fabric used to make their personal sculpture, whilst doing so the aim should be to:
Capture their individuality and personality in some way
Have a visual refence to their COVID-19 experience, this can be abstract or literal
Please see instructions for our collaboration below:
You will be given some plain calico fabric for you and / or your family to decorate. How you do this is up to you, you can use any media or materials that you have to hand. When embellishing the fabric, try to put across your personality and your lived COVID-19 experiences. This can be literal or abstract.
You will also need to complete a short survey, see the link below:
Data Sculpture Info Form - Google Forms
Once the above has been done, the embellished fabric will then need to be returned to me. (I will pay postage)
Please send me a picture of you (if collaborating as an individual) or your family/household (if collaborating as a group), this will be included on the website and in the show.
Finally, to go with the work I am asking collaborators to record an audio file recounting their memories from COVID-19 and their lockdown experiences. The audio can be an individual person or a household. The best apps to use are the voice note apps on your phone such as the ones below. Please do not use Facebook Messenger as I cannot download audio from this.
You do not need to fill the whole piece of fabric, if any of your family members do not want to undertake the embellishment task, this is fine too, the blank fabric can be returned to me. However, please ensure the survey is completed by everyone participating.
Please see some examples on this page from families and individuals that have already collaborated with me.
Thank you so much for your time.

Apple Voice Note
Samsung Voice Recorder